Pipe Friction Apparatus (TATSM-PFA09A)

Pipe Friction Apparatus (TATSM-PFA09A)

175,000.00 90,000.00

Key Features :



A mobile, vertical panel featuring various pipe configurations to demonstrate flow and losses in different pipes  fittings and valves. Includes Pitot tube, Venturi and orifice meters for flow measurement.


Learning Outcomes


• Use of the Pitot static tube

• Flow measurement using a Venturimeter and an orifice meter

• Smooth pipes





Details of Experiment Performed :              


Determination of the metacentric height, and thus the metacentre, of a floating pontoon. This is by graphic
analysis of the angles of tilt of the pontoon with various centres of gravity



The apparatus consists of:


1) Three pipes of different thickness are provided: 15mm, 20 mm & 25mm id nominal diameters approximately connected in a common manifold.


2) Pressure tapping at 1 m distance.


3) Supporting stand structure of rigid body for the equipment.


4) Measuring tank is provided with drain valve & gauge glass.


5) Differential manometer of 300 mm length is provided with mercury.


6) Measuring Tank: 299mm x 298mm x 500 mm Height


7) Supply Tank :- 1000 mm x 298mm x 400 mm Height