Optical bench apparatus and rods (Steel)
Abonite rods
Ammeter (0-0 6/0 – 3 amp) best quality bench type dual range
Analog Ammeter (Ammeter with pointer)
Analog ammeter (Ammeter with pointer)
Analog Ammeter (Ammeter with pointer)
Analog Ammeter (Ammeter with pointer)
Analog Multimeter (Multimeter)
Analog Voltmeter (Voltmeter with pointer)
Angle iron 6 feet long graduated nickled with iron support stand and steel ball complete
Apparatus to show force on a conductor in a magnetic Field
Avometer Mechanical high ranges Model MF 15
Bar magnet
Bar Magnet Plastic Coated Ceramic
Bar magnets (strong magnetic field) 4 ½” size
Battery holders cell box for one tow cells red woo box with brass terminals
Bell jar & Air Pump
Burette Clamp and Boss Head
Calorimeter with wooden jacket + Stirrer + Lid superior
Capacitor apparatus ( behaviour of capacitors in A.C Circuit) complete with China meters complete superior.
Car bulb (12 volt) on wooden base with terminals.
Carbon Rod
Circular coil apparatus (for magnetic field) red wood stand brass terminals superior.
compound pendulum
Concave lens
Concave lense 2” dia superior
Concave mirror
Concave mirror 3” dia optically true
Connecting wires Copper PVC covered coil of 90 m
Connection wires
Connection wires
Constant volume air thermometer wooden stand on cast iron base brass leveling screws & glass pulleys bulb superior quality.
Convex lens
Convex lense FL 10- 12 cm dia 2” FL 10.12
Convex mirror
Convex mirror 3” optically true superior
Convex-Concave lens
Cork borer set of six large heavy brass made sup.
Crocodile clips with insulated red and black
Daniel Cell and accessory
DC power supply
Diffraction grating 600 lines per inch (15000 lines per inch)
Diffraction gratting
Diffraction gratting
Digital multimeter (multimeter with pointer)
Drawing board large 24” x 18” hollow plymade
Drawing pins
Electric Balance precision type capacity 300 gm sensitivity 10mgm (0.01gm) for precision Labortatory use for 220 volt
Electric caloimeter in wooden box sup. Quality 3” x2”
Electrically maintained tuning fork large size on wood base superior quality
Fly Wheel Unit
Fortune’s Barometer (for Atmospheric pressure ) wall type filled with mercury sup. Quality
Free fall apparatus all metallic brass pulley with metal bibrating rect. Pope having sliding weight complete
Full set apparatus (characteristics of PNP transistors) in large wooden box fitted with china meters complete superior quality.
Full set apparatus for law of conservation of Moment Apparatus superior quality.
Full set apparatus for Melde’s experiment vibrator for freq. AC supply for 220 volt superior
Galvanometer (best quality) 30-0-30 bench type
Geometry box wooden large for black board superior quality.
Glass beaker (500ml) borosil glass China bomax
Glass rods
Glass Slab
Glass slab 3” x 2” x 3/ 4” thick size
Gold Leaf Electroscope
Graduated cylinder (100 ml)
Gravesend apparatus red wood board on cast iron base with brass levelling screws fitted with two brss pulleys and 3 set of brass slotted weights each set 5 x 20 gms total 100 gms complete
Heating plates ( hot plate) with 3 ranges regulator
Helical spring apparatus on iron stand with brass scale and 5 x 50 gm total 250 gm brass slotted weight complete set.
Hoffman voltmeter
Holder for lense Y shape on metal adjustable stand superior
Hooke Law
Hot plate + Power Cord
Hypsometer copper sheet made sup. Quality
Inclined plane and roller with accessories
Inclined plane red wood stands brass pulley, brass roller with pan complete superior quality
Iron meter rod st. steel 1mtr scale
Iron stand large 8 “ x 5” base brass rod with brass made heavy duty clamp and bosshead complete set special export quality
Jockey knife edge
Joule equivalent experiment set
Joules Calorimeter
Kgm slotted weight iron with hanger ½ kg each total 2 1 /2 kgm (Sonometer)
Lead shots 500gms
Lens & mirror holder
Magnet (U-shape)
Magnetic compass needle best quality
Mass Box
Masses (Fractional)
Masses Box
Maximum minimum thermometer
Mercury lamp + Choke+ Box
Metallic bob with hook (brass aluminium & copper) set of 3
Meter rod wooden best export qualiry
Metric bridge
Microammeter china complete set.
Milliammeters bench type AC dual range 0-100/0-500mA
Needle with adjustable stand all metallic superior quality
Ohmic resistors
Ohmic resistors
Parts: Helical spring, Holder, Ruler
Pendulum balls
Physical balance (beam balance) Triple bear 2610gm
Plane mirror
Plane mirror (8” x 6”)
Plane mirror holder wooden black
Plano-convex lens
Planoconvexlens for Newton’s ring white glass 60mm
Plates for Simple Cell Zinc
Plotting Compass
Post office Box plug type fitted England wite wound coils accurate quality philip Harris type superior
Potentiometer four wire red wood base brass terminal with jockey
Power supply (12 volts) 2 Amp regulated 3,4,5,6,7,5 12 volt Model MW –2122A best quality Taiwan
Precision Balance
Prism 1 ½: size superior
Pullinger’s apparatus ( for coefficient of linear expansio vertical form in wooden frame with test rod and spherometer superior quality.
Resistance (different values) alongwith (colour scheme Carbon resistance (different wattage, ¼” size
Resistance Box 0-5000 Ohms plug type fitted England wire wound coils accurate quality philip Harris type sup
Resistance wire (Nichrome ) 28 or 30 swg. Pkt=100gm
Resistors box
Resistors box
Resonance tube apparatus all metallic plastic graduated tube plastic reservoir sliding in brass rod special, export quality.
Rheostat sliding resistance oc percelain pipe English type special grip jockey 0-300 ohm 0.8 amp pak assembled export quality 20cm 2 ½ “
Rheostat sliding resistance oc percelain pipe English type special grip jockey 0-1750 ohm 0.3 amp Pak assembled export quality
Rheostat sliding resistance on heavy percelain pipe English type special grip jockey 0-600 ohm 0.3 amp pak assembled export quality large size 6”
Ripple tank apparatus fitted with small motor and power supply for 220 volts sup. Quality
Rubber pad
Screw Driver Neon Test
Screw gauge (o – 25) large size
Sealed battery 6 V
Searle’s apparatus for Young’s Modulus with 2 ½ Kg iron slotted weight complete set.
Semi conductor diode apparatus complete large box fitted with three DC large size China meters sup. Quality
simple pendulum
Slide wire bridge red wood base, nickled strips brass terminals with jockey.
Slotted weights
Small metallic ball
Small sphere
Sodium lamp + Transformer+ Box
Sodium lamp35 watt bulb with choke in box for 220 volt complete
Soldering Instrument and stand
Soldering paste
Soldering wire
Solenoid Apparatus
Solid Cylinder brass 25mm x 12mm Brass
Sonometer full meter long Red wood box with brass pulleys w/o weights with etc. superior
Spectrometer 360 x 0.1 degree students English type sup quality. S.S.
Spherometer 1 / 100 mm large size sup.
Stand holder for concave mirror on adjustable metal stand superior
Steam Boiler
Stop watch
Stopwatch best quality 1/ 10th mechanical diamond brand
Striking hammer (rubber)
Strip of plane Mirror (3” x 1”)
Stroboscope disc only hand operated Model
Stroboscope disc only hand operated Working
Tangential galvanometer
Test tube 4” x ½”
Thermometers (110 C) half degree red
Torches with Cells
Travelling microscope
Travelling microscope large size horizontal 230 mm vertical 180 mm with vernier japan type sup. Qty
Tri-beam balance
Tuning forks
Tuning forks (different frequencies) best quality blued steel original Sheffield
Van de graff generator
Variation of current with intensity of light by using photocell apparatus in large wooden box Pak with DC moving coil bench tyoe 0-200 U
Vernier Caliper
Vernier calliper 6” St. steel
Voltaic Cell
Voltmeter (0 – 3/0-15 Volt) best quality bench type dual range
Weight box 1 – 100 gm with fractional in plastic case
Wheatstone bridge
Wooden wedge shisham wood
XY- oscilloscope
Young’s Modules Apparatus
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