Detailed Specifications
- A M. S. storage tank (channel) of size 249 mm x 249 mm x 1248 mm Length provided with four sets of baffles and sieves for steadying water supply, fixing arrangement for interchangeable notches. Baffles for steadying water supply. Arrange-ment for fixing interchangeable Notches. Supporting stand for the structure.
- A Measuring tank of size 249 mm x 300 mm x 500 mm Height capacity with drain valve & gauge glass.
- A Sump Tank of size 1050 mm x 300 mm X 400 mm. Height
- A Instruction Manual
Set of 2 brass Notches: (As requirement extra provided with extra cost)
- Rectangular Notc & a ‘V’ Notch. 60°C
Range of Experimentation
- To determine Co-efficient of discharge (Cd) through a) Rectangular Notch & a V Notch
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